“I began to sweat profusely as I carried the basket full of semi-ripe tomatoes and walked along the dusty path. Someone must have made the sun god angry because he is unforgiving today, hitting me from all angles with only the basket atop my head to provide shade. Not even a whiff of air to cool my blotched skin. I still have about ten kilometers to go before reaching the market place. Though tomorrow will be market day, I have to set off today in order to secure a good spot to sell my tomatoes. Oh how I wish I had a vehicle to transport my goods to the market!”
Studying ag marketing within the agribusiness degree program at CAENS will introduce you to stories like this one about real people across the globe who are working to get their agricultural goods to market. Students explore questions such as how agricultural products get to the final consumer, how rural farmers can best market their goods, and what are the various activities involved in marketing agricultural products?
The ag marketing option gives you the opportunity to interact with a wide range of people both locally and internationally. The program includes several opportunities to travel to other countries, which helps broaden your scope of knowledge about the agricultural sectors in other parts of the world. Imagine riding a boat across the Volta Lake in Ghana to interact with okra and tomato farmers in the region, or making a tour across Thailand to learn more about their agricultural activities. This type of teaching that stretches far beyond the classroom happens year round at CAENS.
Did you know that there are hundreds of ag marketing agencies in Alabama and across the country offering internship opportunities to interested students? Internships provide valuable opportunities to make connections between classroom work and research and career options. Most of these ag marketing agencies recognize the importance of hiring young professionals in the field and welcome new perspectives. And within ag marketing, there are several sectors that appeal to different individual preferences. To learn more about internships, contact CAENS at
obtiller@mytu.tuskegee.edu or tmhargrove@mytu.tuskegee.edu .
As a student in the ag marketing option at CAENS, you might be learning in the classroom, in communities abroad, or through an internship at an agency. Through it all, the program will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make a contribution to this sector once you graduate.
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